This is us.
Our History.
The Friends of Geraldton Gardens (FrOGGs) was established in 2015 from an idea originally conceived by the founding member, Stan Maley.
A group of Geraldton residents gathered at a community workshop in January 2015 to discuss developing a local, Botanic Garden. There was a shared understanding and vision that the gardens, once established, would become a significant community resource and educational facility for Geraldton and the Midwest region of Western Australia, showcasing the diverse flora of the region.
What We Do.
FrOGGs have a working relationship with the City of Greater Geraldton and have applied for and received a grant to facilitate and pay for a concept plan with the intent of receiving a Memorandum of Understanding to proceed with further planning and developing a botanic garden. FrOGGs have facilitated community discussions which have greatly contributed to strengthening the vision of a Botanic garden and of which this document aims to build upon.
Our Aim.
Driven by a public engagement program FrOGGs aim to deliver an extraordinary place for interacting with the wonders of the greater Mid-West region of Western Australia. The park will become a tangible symbol not only of the endemic flora of this important and threatened bioregion but much more of an expression of how our society can merge natural ecologies within a strikingly urban setting. However, the park is not envisaged solely as a ‘Botanic garden’, but much more as an engaging, activated and innovative public open space that meets the needs of diverse local and regional user groups. Education focused, the park seeks to engage both local users and tourists alike. Important to the success of this project is community engagement and participation of which FrOGGs continue their broad-based discussions, input and feedback with a variety of stakeholders. This has been and will continue to shape the design and active programming of the final site.